School is Back in Session

By: Peta-Gaye Clachar, Social Media Coordinator



It is exciting to return to school after a much needed holiday. We reunite with friends; catch up on what’s new, as well as to find out what changes our school made during the break. We get to take advantage of the upgrades and progress to start another adventure in learning.

Although exciting for some, it is not uncommon to feel stressed at the beginning of a new semester. The financial obligations, long booklists, and transitioning into a new environment can bring on some culture shock. Whatever your stressors, let me give you some tips to put your semester into gear while implementing the seven dimensions of wellnessemotional, occupational. physical, intellectual, environmental, spiritual and social.

1. EMOTIONALclock1

Set Your Clocks- Start a bedtime schedule. Having a set sleep schedule sets a pattern for your bodies to adapt to routine. You may find that you feel tired at the same time every day. Your circadian rhythm is your body’s clock and tells your body when to feel hungry, sleepy, etc. Essentially, if you go to bed at the same time every day, your body tends to wake you up at the same time and you can do away with the alarm clocks. Your body becomes your clock.


    weekly planner

Stay Organized- Stay ahead of the game by planning. Get a planner and jot down those important dates for quizzes and deadlines for homework. This acts as a reminder and gives you ample time to prepare before that due date. Staying organized help you develop good time management skills.


Be Well Inside and Out. Be Active and stay hydrated. Exercising will give you the energy needed to sustain you throughout the semester.

Extracting Influenza Virus VaccineGet Vaccinated:

As we reunite with our friends we will come in contact with air-borne illnesses and other contaminants. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, flu activity usually peaks nationwide in January or February. Getting a flu shot reduces your risk of the getting the virus.

Find out what other vaccinations are right for you. The NDSU Student Health Service recommends students get the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, which also is useful to guard again cervical cancer.


Healthy-Eating-FatsEat, Eat, Eat-Have you ever heard of brain food? Eating smart and frequent will speed up your metabolism. Eat foods that feed your brain, like nuts, avocadoes, and fish. Antioxidants and vitamin C boosts your immune system. Also, meal planning is a great time savers and promotes making healthier food choices.


hand-washing-660Wash Hands and Sanitize- Viruses and bacteria are all around us. They are in the air, on door handles, computer keyboards, desks, etc. The CDC states that washing our hands vigorously with soap for 20 seconds to prevent the spread of illnesses. Using an alcohol-based sanitizer is also useful against bacteria and cross-contamination.

                                                                       6. SPIRITUAL


Meditate and Breathe– A good way to relieve stress is to engage in deep breathing. Doing so releases toxins and strengthens your immune system. When you feel stressed, take a break and meditate for a few minutes with some deep breathing exercises.


Closeup portrait of business colleagues holding each other and laughing

Get Involved- Clubs are a great way to meet people and make friends. One of the benefits of socializing is that it promotes diversity, which helps to break a lot of stereotypes about people and cultures.

Learn about the different amenities offered at school and take advantage of them. The NDSU Wellness Center provides a wide array of intramurals and exercise classes that are fun and keep you active, fit and a great place to make friends. To see a list of the amenities the NDSU Wellness Center offer go to:

-Peta-Gaye Clachar (NDSU Student)